What we treat.

  • Ankle Pain

    Ankle Pain

    Ankle pain refers to discomfort or soreness experienced around the ankle joint, commonly caused by injuries such as sprains, strains, or fractures.

  • Arthritis Pain

    Arthritis pain is a chronic condition marked by inflammation, swelling, and discomfort in the joints, which can significantly impact mobility and quality of life.

  • Back Pain

    Back pain is a common discomfort characterized by aching or stiffness in the lower, middle, or upper back, often caused by muscle strain, poor posture, or underlying conditions.

  • Balance Disorders

    Balance disorders are conditions that disrupt the body's ability to maintain equilibrium, leading to feelings of dizziness, unsteadiness, or vertigo.

  • Chronic Headaches

    Chronic headaches are persistent and recurring head pain that can significantly impact daily life and productivity.

  • Chronic Pain

    Chronic pain is persistent discomfort that lasts for weeks, months, or even years, often significantly impacting a person's quality of life.

  • Dizziness

    Dizziness issues encompass difficulties maintaining balance and experiencing sensations of spinning or unsteadiness.

  • Elbow Pain

    Elbow pain is discomfort or soreness experienced in the elbow joint area, often caused by injuries such as strains, sprains, or overuse, as well as underlying conditions like tennis elbow or golfer's elbow.

  • Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive difficulties.

  • Foot Pain

    Foot pain refers to discomfort or soreness experienced in the foot area, commonly caused by injuries such as sprains, strains, or fractures, as well as underlying conditions like plantar fasciitis or bunions.

  • Gait Disorders

    Gait disorders are conditions that affect a person's ability to walk normally, often resulting in an abnormal or unsteady gait pattern.

  • Hand Pain

    Hand pain is discomfort or soreness experienced in the hand region, often caused by injuries such as strains, sprains, or fractures, as well as underlying conditions like arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Hip Pain

    Hip pain is discomfort or soreness experienced in the hip joint area, often caused by injuries such as strains, bursitis, or fractures, as well as underlying conditions like osteoarthritis or hip impingement.

  • Knee Pain

    Knee pain is discomfort or soreness experienced around the knee joint, commonly caused by injuries such as strains, ligament tears, or cartilage damage, as well as underlying conditions like osteoarthritis or patellar tendonitis.

  • Lymphedema

    Lymphedema is a chronic condition characterized by swelling, usually in the arms or legs, due to a blockage in the lymphatic system.

  • Motor Vehicle Accident

    Discomfort or soreness resulting from MVAs often affecting various parts of the body such as the neck, back, shoulders, or limbs. It can stem from injuries like whiplash, fractures, or soft tissue damage.

  • Neck Pain

    Neck pain is a common discomfort characterized by stiffness, soreness, or aching in the neck region, often stemming from muscle strain, poor posture, or underlying conditions like cervical arthritis.

  • Neurological Disorders

    Neurological disorders encompass a broad range of conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, leading to disruptions in sensory, motor, or cognitive functions.

  • Pelvic Pain

    Pelvic pain refers to discomfort or soreness experienced in the pelvic region, which encompasses the lower abdomen, groin, and hips.

  • Pre/Postnatal Pain

    Pre/postnatal pain refers to discomfort experienced during pregnancy or after childbirth, often affecting the lower back, pelvis, hips, or other areas related to pregnancy.

  • Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy

    Tailored to optimize physical function and prepare patients for upcoming surgical procedures. It aims to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and strengthening, which can lead to better surgical outcomes and smoother postoperative recovery.

  • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

    A structured program designed to aid recovery and restore function after a surgical procedure. It typically involves a combination of exercises, manual therapy, pain management techniques, and gradual progression to promote healing, regain strength, and improve mobility, ensuring the best possible recovery.

  • Sciatica Pain

    Sciatica pain is a symptom rather than a condition itself, characterized by sharp, shooting pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, typically from the lower back down the leg.

  • Shoulder Pain

    Shoulder pain refers to discomfort or soreness experienced in the shoulder region, often caused by injuries such as rotator cuff tears, shoulder impingement, or tendonitis, as well as underlying conditions like arthritis or frozen shoulder.

  • Sports Injury

    Sports injuries are injuries that occur during athletic activities and can affect various parts of the body, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and joints. They can result from accidents, overuse, poor training techniques, or inadequate equipment.

  • TMJ Dysfunction

    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, or temporomandibular disorder (TMD), refers to a range of conditions affecting the jaw joint and surrounding muscles, leading to pain, stiffness, clicking, or difficulty in jaw movement.

  • Work-Related Injury

    Work-related injuries occur while performing job duties and can range from minor sprains and strains to more severe trauma or chronic conditions. They can result from various factors such as repetitive motions, lifting heavy objects, or falls.

  • Wrist Pain

    Wrist pain is discomfort or soreness experienced in the wrist area, often caused by injuries such as sprains, strains, or fractures, as well as repetitive stress or underlying conditions like arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome.